
Antifreeze and Lubricant - Air Tool Solution

SYN-AL is a 100% Synthetic Airline Lubricant formulated to meet operation demands of air-operated tools under extreme weather conditions to keep them running efficiently and to eliminate costly downtime. Ideal for pneumatic equipment, cylinders, valves and as a general-purpose lubricant for air-operated tools such as impact wrenches, grinders, reamers, drills, air motors, chipping hammers, etc.  SYN-AL is a biodegradable product compounded with ingredients tailored to meet the particular needs of the finished product without the environmental and human risks of inhalation hazards found in petroleum products.

* Product available in 5 gal, 55 gal and 275 gal tote

Product Details:

  • 100% synthetic airline lubricant for severe temperature applications
  • Used at temperatures from -70°F to 200°F with no icing-up
  • Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant (EAL), non-hazardous, non-flammable
  • Safe for outdoor applications 
  • Comparable to Kilfrost at a fraction of the cost

Industry Applications:



Need assistance? Call us today at (732) 340-1111 and speak to a Grignard specialist.

Synal is an Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant (EAL) according to the definitions and requirements of the US EPA 2013 Vessel General Permit, as described below.

VGP Section 2.2.9
All vessels must use an EAL in all oil to sea interfaces, unless technically infeasible. “Environmentally acceptable lubricants” means lubricants that are “biodegradable” and “minimally-toxic” and are “not bio-accumulative” as defined in Appendix A of the permit.

Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant Definition – VGP Appendix A
In order to be classified as an “Environmentally acceptable lubricant” the oil maker must determine that the lubricant is “biodegradable”,”minimally-toxic” and “not bio-accumulative” as defined in Appendix A ofthe pennit. Alternatively, oils that are labeled by one of several programs specified in the permit are regarded as acceptable.

Synal and its components have been evaluated and meets the VGP definition of an Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant.

  • Biodegradability/ Non Bioaccumulative -VGP Appendix A

The VGP definitions of “Biodegradable” include grease formulations that contain at least 75% by weight of a constituent substance or constituent substances that give a minimum test result of 60% according to OECD 301B. The 25% of the formulation that need not meet the above biodegradability requirements may be inherently biodegradable or non­biodegradable (but not bio-accumulative). Acceptable test methods to demonstrate inherent biodegradability include >20% according to OECD 301B. In order to comply with the 2013 VGP biodegradability / bioaccumulation requirement, it is necessary to consider the constituent substances. Only substances present in the formulation above 0.10% need be assessed.

The constituent substances of Synal meet the above requirements.

  • Minimally Toxic -VGP Appendix A

The VGP definitions for “Minimally-Toxic” greases include achieving acute toxicity results of at least 1000 mg/L according to OECD 201, 202, and 203 (Algae, Daphnia and Fish).

Synal meets the above requirements.

Record Keeping -VGP Section 4.2
Vessel must keep records on the vessel that include the Technical Data Sheet for all EALs used in Oil-to-Sea interfaces on board the vessel in order to prove compliance with the permit.