
Grignard has more than 50 years’ experience developing high-performance metalworking fluids. Our deep understanding of metalworking applications translates into specialized solutions for a variety of manufacturing operations, including grinding, gunning, cutting, blanking, trimming, stamping, and finishing different metal types. Our solutions span a wide range of needs, from neat oils, vanishing compounds, coolants, and synthetics with a variety of characteristics to meet your needs.

We provide a complete solution, including precision cleaning technologies. Our user-safe, environmentally friendly cleaners and degreasers deliver exceptional cleaning performance and compliance.

Products by industry


Precision cleaners and degreasers that do the heavy work.

Mold Release

High-Performance Solutions that Improve the Molding Process


Specialty Metalworking Fluids for Demanding Applications
Need assistance? Call us today at (732) 340-1111 and speak to a Grignard specialist.